CEMCC Annual Show Day

Sunday 15 September, 2019

Cooper Street Reserve, Engadine

The show has been held at this great location since 1999

Download a flyer here

Frequently Asked Questions :

  1. Who can participate and what is the entry fee?
    All motorcycle enthusiasts are invited to display their bikes. Exhibitors pay a $5.00 entry fee, which covers multiple bikes. Hot beverages and soft drinks will be available at additional cost. Public entry to the bike show is FREE.
  2. How do I enter a bike?
    Entries are accepted on the day. There are no prebookings. However, it will help us if you use the email contact below to let us know if you are attending. The gates to the reserve will be open from 08:30 am, with entries accepted from 9 am to 11 am. Entry to the reserve is via Cooper St. There will be marshals on hand to direct you where to park your bike for display. Upon entering a bike and payment of the entry fee you will be given a numbered display sticker, a voting slip and a food ticket.
  3. I will be bringing my bike on a trailer. Can I park my car and trailer on the reserve grounds?
    Our permit from the local council only allows parking for a limited number of vehicles involved in setting up of the event. You will be able to enter the grounds for the purpose of unloading your bike, after which you will need to remove your vehicle from the grounds.
  4. What bikes are eligible to be entered?
    Any motorcycle, including outfits and competition machines from veteran to modern are eligible
  5. How are the bikes judged?
    Judging will be via the votes of the participants. Trophies will be awarded in various categories from veteran and vintage to modern, as well as competition. Winners will be announced at around 1.30pm.
  6. I have some bike parts to sell. Can I set up a small stall?.
    No. Our permit from the local council does not allow for a "swap meet" setup. However, as you will have a great opportunity to meet fellow motor cycle enthusiasts you may find someone looking for the parts that you have at home. Also, you might meet someone who has that elusive part that you're looking for.

If you would like any further information please Email: Show Day Coordinator

See photos of previous events on the Photo Gallery